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I day dream all day with Sam :) Let's get crunk with the shopping :D

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Remember to breathe.

Looking back at all the guys that I've loved. The ones that broke me, the ones that lied, the ones that still have a part of my heart. It's hard to believe that I let myself go through that. And now I realize, that it wasn't only their faults, but it was mine too. Maybe I tried too hard, pushed too far, sunk too deep. I need to remember to breathe. It's not that I'm not happy now. Maybe knowing that someone that you wanted to give the world to is now moving on as you are, it stings a little. The vindictive side of me wants them to live miserably, knowing what they missed out when things went wrong with us, forever regretting. I know it's silly, thinking about it, but they could live happy lives, maybe still in regret. I know for a fact that I have none - No regrets. And yes, I said it stings, but I guess I'm happy that they've found someone that makes them happy as how my baby makes me happy. :) No one deserves to be alone - God made an Eve for every Adam. They don't have to say they're sorry, but in the spirit of Raya, I feel as if I should just forgive and let go of the past. It is the PAST. So yeah. :) To everyone who has hurt me, I forgive you. And especially to those that I have hurt, please find it in your hearts to forgive me. I never intended to make you feel that way.

And, baby, if you're reading this, please don't get hurt. That's the last thing that I'd ever intend for you. You know that my heart belongs to you. My head lies next to yours. My hand is holding yours. Please don't get insecure over this silly post. :) I love you, Fawzan.

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