My disco dance moves.

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I day dream all day with Sam :) Let's get crunk with the shopping :D

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Where'd you go? I miss you so.

"What are you tired about?"


"It can't beee everything, what??"

"Just everything."

"Whyy are you tired?"

"I just am."

"I've got to leave in a minute."



It's just one of those days. Idk why but it feels like i've got a whole platoon of soldiers piling ontop of my shoulders. He sounds irritated at the way I am. I can't help it. It's just a part of me that was there for as long as I can remember. I hate sounding whiny though. I know I should stop but I keep going. I'm tired. Just tired. What don't you get? Why must there be a why? Can't I just be tired? These are the times where I wish so badly to go back in time. Not to correct any mistakes (no regrets), but to just feel better. Better when I felt tired. Back when he wouldn't ask why or what. He wouldn't have asked at all. He supported and loved and felt tired as I did. He hated the world just cos I hated it. He cried just cos I cried. He cussed and bitched and backed me up all the way just cos I did. He didn't need any inquiry cos he knew that all I needed was him. And after ALL that fuss of me getting worked up. I'd know it was for nothing. I'd know how silly it was and how silly I was for being tired and getting upset in the first damn place. There were no tones of irritation or frustration in his voice all the while. All the crying and moping and EGH-ing to him. He still backed me up. And I felt better. I felt good. I felt stupid, yes, but he didn't think I was and I felt ,knew and trusted that he didn't. Cos in his mind I knew that all he wanted to do was to make me feel better. Where did that boy go? :(

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