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I day dream all day with Sam :) Let's get crunk with the shopping :D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Paint me shades of blue.

"Blue is the colour that define's me best", that's what he said. And still,it's running through my mind. I've been having nothing but stingy thoughts and feelings on how much of a moron I was to have let something I made to believe was major end up getting in the way of him and I. I was clouded by the scorn and vindicity that I kept harvesting throughout myself the whole time. I couldn't realise what a biv I was for being so bloody blind and ignoran all while. I kept telling myself that I had to resolve things in order to make what he and I have a better thing. But boyy was I SO wrong. Not to mention I just jeapordised something special and so worthwhile. I made him feel little and under appreciated. Now I don't know how to make it up ti him. I feel so stupid and naive. I LOVE HIM, for God's sake. I mean after everything, he was the one that helped my glue back all the bits and pieces. And as cliche as that sounds, it's all true from the very depth of my sinful soul. Loving him seems as if it's not enough, but he has always and still does say that that's the only thing that he wants from me. My love and affection in return. I'm such a fool. How could I not have fully seen this boy infront of me? This boy that has been holding me by his fingertips as if I were to fall into a massive pit of self destruction. He's been there. And best of all, HE LOVES ME :) I can't explain how blessed I feel to have such a person introduced into my life. One can only hope that he forgives me one day for hurting him the way I did. I'm not proud of what I did, but I'm willing to admit it. His patience and kindness holds me up like how his arms do. His wit observes me like how his eyes do. His love, like his lips, tell a whole story that you wish would never end. :) So paint me shades of blue, all over me if you must.

For Muhammad Fawzan b. Sabirin <3

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