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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Weighing out.

These past few days have kinda taken a toll on me. I feel extremely shitty at times even though I may appear happy and OK. I feel fat, overweight. I feel ugly and I feel like my ass is the size of bloody Malaysia - As if I could fit a whole nation in my ass. I hate feeling this way and I REFUSE to go back to where mean girls, who thought and STILL think they're all that, made fun of me to my face and behind my back about how ugly my buck teeth were and how I was "The fat one". I'm just tired of all that crap and IDW to go back. EVER. I'm sick of getting sensitive and trying so hard to "look good" when I obviously DON'T look or even feel good to begin with. I've tried exercising and going on diets, and I do feel so much better about myself, but then I get back here again - Square one. Everything I do doesn't seem enough and there'd be that ONE person who says that ONE thing - All hell breaks lose after that. IDK what to do anymore. I wna be pretty and skinny. I wna look good in everything I wear and not look chubby or plump or bloated. I;m so done with people commenting on my weight. FINE, I GET IT, I'LL LOSE WEIGHT.

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